Tuesday, October 29, 2013


In the last class meeting Marshall Vandruff called Neil Gaiman's graduation speech the best speech about a career in the arts.

 "...People keep working, in a freelance world, and more and more of today's world is freelance, because their work is good, and because they are easy to get along with, and because they deliver the work on time. And you don't even need all three. Two out of three is fine. People will tolerate how unpleasant you are if your work is good and you deliver it on time. They'll forgive the lateness of the work if it's good, and if they like you. And you don't have to be as good as the others if you're on time and it's always a pleasure to hear from you..."

Also Marshall has recommended Molly Bang's Picture This book, all about composition.
You can find on amazon here.

Someone in class inquired about materials and best ones for certain kind of drawing. One that seemed to be quite popular was a double sided brush pen that is black on one and and gray on the other. It can be found at the bookstore inside Mitsuwa at the Costa Mesa location or online.

Also towards the beginning of the semester we started drawing from Tex Avery Cartoons and we listened to Raymond Scott and it was pretty fabulous.

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