Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 4

Sept 21st

"MAD and Rembrandt : Over & Understatement"
This week Marshall dissected the ways that Rembrandt had understated strong emotions and insight into subjects and contrasting to that how MAD hilariously overstated.
Feel free to share sketches or thoughts.

Week 3

Sept 14

"Michelangelo & Bill Watterson: Poses & Gesture"
There is a lot we can learn from these great masters, interesting and dynamic poses full of energy and cool negative space vs positive space.
Feel free to share your thoughts or sketches.

Week 2

Sept 7th

"Preston Blair: Animating Simplicity"
This week we focused on drawing from some of Preston's whimsical characters to equally whimsy music.
Feel free to post up your in-class drawings/ studies.

Day 1 of Class

Aug 31

"Intro to the Masters" Marshall Vandruff went over "why copy?" 
In the history of art up until now there have been artists that have mastered an art form, and there is a lot we can learn from them, from composition, color, rendering, perspective, storytelling, style, effect, and so on. 
Feel free to share something you took away from this lecture :)


Hello Class,

We now have a class blog! 
Better late than never. So lets recap these past few insightful weeks. :D